
Tuesday 10 December 2013

The new king!

This is my latest and greatest (ever!) Remember that Blaupunkt I found on the side of the road? One tube-swap and polish later and it is KILLER!

Sunday 1 December 2013


My girlfriend's parents are coming to stay in a week's time and I have been told that my collection of SCART television must shrink before their arrival! Too messy, apparently.

So, I'll be giving away (or throwing away) the following:

Philips - Early '90s, 66 cm, analog chassis, Toshiba tube. Awesome, sharp picture. Like this.
Grundig - Early '00s, 68 cm tube, digital chassis, Philips semi-flat tube. Vibrant picture. Remote and manul.
Blaupunkt - Same as this one, without the pots mod. Tube upgraded to a nice A66EAK from a Loewe CT1170.
Sharp - 20 inch, PAL only. Australian made! Very nice! Check it out.

I'd rather not take all this awesome gear down to the recycle centre. :(

If you're interested, get in touch ASAP. I have to move this stuff before Friday morning!

Pickup only from Clifton Hill 3068, Victoria, Australia.

Gumtree ad is here.